Monday, April 22, 2013

Web 2.0 Directory

Social Networking Sites

•    Myspace:
•    Tagged:
•    Facebook:
•    Netlog:
•    Bebo:
•    Yearbook:
•    Social Blog Sites:
•    Shoutpost:
•    Tblog:
•    Blogger:

Video Submission Sites

•    YouTube:
•    MyspaceTv:
•    MegaVideo:
•    Veoh:
•    MetaCafe:
•    Break:

Social Bookmarking Sites

•    Digg:
•    BlinkPro:
•    Chipmark:
•    Linkroll:
•    StumbleUpon:
•    Furl:
•    Del.icio:
•    Reddit:

A Look At Point And Click Services

WebPodStudio Software

This one has to be the most user-friendly point and click service around. So much is offered to ensure that your podcast show is pulled off without a hitch. There is a step by step tutorial that walks you through everything from start to finish and even a teleprompter that is there to ensure you remember what to say and when to say it. You cannot get much simpler than that when dealing with creating your own show.

This one allows you to create a podcast from start to finish in an easy to understand format. For those that wish to add some music to their shows, this service has a collection that you can use without fear of copyright infringement lawsuits on your hands. In addition to all this, you can even record your podcast toll free over your phone if you wish. This works great for those that do not have a microphone for their computers.

All your management tools for creating a podcast are located directly on this services website. This one is just as user friendly as the other two services. With this service, your podcast shows are published in the Clickcaster directory. This makes it easy for other users to find your podcasts.  

While there are other point and click services out there, these are the ones that I found to be the most user friendly. When you want to market your product, service or website without spending forever doing so, then you need a service that can have you up and going in the shortest amount of time. These services I mentioned can do just that. 

If you are not seeing the results you were expecting from using pod casts for marketing, then consider changing things around. Search out the most  popular pod casts that are marketing a product, service or website and see  what they are doing. Try practicing their techniques and add them in with  your personality and see how it works!

More..Online Data Entry Jobs / A to Z Download:

Make Money Off Your Domains

As the advent of the domain names continue to affect a great number of people, many people today are then greatly pulled and encouraged to purchase domain names for a considered profits. In fact, many of them are now on the verge of purchasing domain names hoping for some possible returns. So if you are interested to know the facts on how you can purchase domain names for your profit, then you better read this article for this will give you some knowledge about this thing.

So how to purchase domain names for a profit?

It is indeed a fact that there is a lot of money to be made to purchase domain names and then selling those domain name registrations on the open market. Numerous research studies have considered that there a large number of people who paid an amount of $35 just to register a domain name and then sold the domain name in excess of $100,000. Maybe among the qualified examples for this matter are the current sold domain names that have prices ranging from $2,750,000 from the CreditCards. com to $300,000 from the Viajes. com.

Given such fact, many of those who are planning to purchase domain names for profit often ask the real reason on how those companies did such things. Certain resources considered that there is an amount involved if you sell or purchase domain names even if the profit margin per name does not reach the amount of $100,000.

In relation to that, today there are a lot of domain names where those who are interested to purchase domain names are required to pay three to four times what the domain names cost to purchase domain names at a registration site like the Domain. com.

And speaking of those who sell and purchase domain names, it is interesting to know that they are called as “domain name speculators”. It happened that such nick is formed for the reason that those who sell and purchase domain names simply come up with a bright concept and then pursue what they decide to register domain names. And generally, they take multiple factors into account when they are striving to identify and purchase domain names that they can sell for a profit. And to mention, some examples of these factors taken by the domain name speculators include the general nature of the domain name, avoidance of trademark matters, knowledge if the domain name get traffic, and the forward thinking.

Lastly, most of the experts have recommended that for you to get a profit, you should think of purchasing a domain name like buying a piece of real estate. If you can recognize and purchase domain names that are in an up and coming area, they will become more precious.

Money making link.