Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a science of sorts that would enable you to ensure a favorably prominent position for your website in search engine results pages (SERPs). And since 80% of your traffic would come from the search engines, SEO methods take on a critical importance in the success of your online endeavor.
There are two kinds of SEO, on page and off page.
Off page SEO is all about the things you could to get a high page rank (PR) for your website after it has already gone live. These are the things which you actually execute outside the pages of your website, hence the name of this type of SEO.
What are these steps?
Well, all of them are concerned with building your link popularity. Your link popularity represents the number of back links your website has. To check you website’s current link popularity, head over to and use the free tool that can be found there. The higher your link popularity, the higher your PR will be.
Building your link popularity involves increasing the number of websites that will link to yours. This is easier said than done. It’s not a matter of getting reciprocal links like “you link to me and I’ll link to yours.” Google, in particular, despise reciprocal linking. You have to get unilateral links to your website.
The best way to do this is by ensuring that you have unique, highly informative content. Really, this is the number one strategy to invite websites to link to yours. But your content in the realm of on page SEO, and it is assumed that you have made all efforts to ensure great content.
What are the other ways by which you could build your link popularity? Try the following techniques:
Article marketing. There are thousands of article directories on the Internet. You could submit articles to these websites. For every submission, you will be allotted a resource box where you could introduce yourself and share a link to your website. Now, some of these article directories have high page ranks. If your articles are accepted, they will be included in their pages. Having a website with high PR linking to yours would go a long way in increasing your own page rank. Additionally, if you will submit just one article to a thousand directories, you’d have a thousand pages linking to your website.
Forum marketing- There are online communities dedicated to the subject that your website is serving. Seek them out, then join them. You’d be allotted a signature box, which would appear in your every post. In your signature box, you could leave a link to your website. Then post as many significant messages as you could. For every post you will make, you’d have a page linking to your website.
Google despises reciprocal linking, but triangular linking is one way of going around this limitation. Look for two or more webmasters who are willing to give it a shot. Webmaster A could post a link to Webmaster B’s website in his own pages. Webmaster B can post a link to Webmaster C’s website in his own pages. And webmaster C can post a link to Webmaster A’s website in his own pages.
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Saturday, August 14, 2010
All About On Page Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
When it comes to doing business online, you will soon discover that it’s all about the traffic. Traffic, or the number of internet users you’d be able to generate for your website, is and will always be the lifeblood of any online venture. After all, what good is a website when there’s no one there to see its pages? How successful will your digital products be if no one would be able to know about them? Who will avail of your services when no one will get exposed to their existence?
Contrary to what many people believe, generating traffic for your website does not start once you pages are published and have gone live. Traffic generation strategies start at the very moment you are conceptualizing an idea for the website itself.
This is what on page search engine optimization (SEO) is all about. It is concerned with techniques that you could implement on your web pages themselves to ensure a good volume of traffic for your website. 80% of your traffic would come from the many search engines in the World Wide Web. If each and every web page you have is optimized for these search engines, then your website would be in a good position to have a high rank for the results of every relevant query.
Keyword selection. Choosing the right keywords is essential for the success of your website. Keywords are the popular search terms that people use to gather information from the search engines. If your web pages are populated by the right density of the correct keywords, then you’ll have better chances of winning the attention of the search engine spiders. To determine the appropriate keywords for the subject that your website will be servicing, use the free tools that can be found at
Keyword placement in content. Content is the king of the internet. But even royalty needs support. Populate your content with the proper amount of keywords. A density level of at least 2% should be sought. This means that the right keywords should be mentioned at least twice for every 100 words of text.
Contrary to what many people believe, generating traffic for your website does not start once you pages are published and have gone live. Traffic generation strategies start at the very moment you are conceptualizing an idea for the website itself.
This is what on page search engine optimization (SEO) is all about. It is concerned with techniques that you could implement on your web pages themselves to ensure a good volume of traffic for your website. 80% of your traffic would come from the many search engines in the World Wide Web. If each and every web page you have is optimized for these search engines, then your website would be in a good position to have a high rank for the results of every relevant query.
Keyword selection. Choosing the right keywords is essential for the success of your website. Keywords are the popular search terms that people use to gather information from the search engines. If your web pages are populated by the right density of the correct keywords, then you’ll have better chances of winning the attention of the search engine spiders. To determine the appropriate keywords for the subject that your website will be servicing, use the free tools that can be found at
Keyword placement in content. Content is the king of the internet. But even royalty needs support. Populate your content with the proper amount of keywords. A density level of at least 2% should be sought. This means that the right keywords should be mentioned at least twice for every 100 words of text.
ALT tags. ALT tags refer to the text that would appear every time the mouse cursor would pass through an image. Your ALT tags should include your keywords.
Page titles. Page titles are the captions that appear at the very top of your web page. Make sure that each web page in your website would have a different title that will include the appropriate keywords.
Focus. Remember, search engines will crawl through your website per page. Each page is a different project altogether. Focus is the key. Ensure that each web page of yours would focus on a particular keyword or key phrase. If there is an article in that page, make sure that the article will only discuss and include one keyword or key phrase from the list you have made. Also, it would greatly help if you would name the page file in a manner that would include the keyword or key phrase it is focused on.
Following these guidelines would help you a lot in securing a favorable position in search engine results pages. This in turn would guarantee for you a sustainable and sufficient volume of traffic that would make your website a genuine success.
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Web-based Learning Management Systems Used In Partner Support Settings
Today we will look at how web-based learning management systems can be and are being used as part of the partner support function in a company or organization.
What is a learning management system?
Learning management systems (LMSs) are web-based software application platforms used to plan, implement, and assess learning processes related to online and offline training administration and performance management. LMSs provide an instructor a way to create and deliver content, monitor learners’ participation, and assess student performance. They also provide learners with the ability to use interactive features, such as threaded discussions, web conferencing, discussion forums, and other methods of communication.
Where and why are learning management systems being used in partner support settings?
LMSs are being used in business-to-business, high-process, value-added, and technology-oriented business environments in industries like telecommunications, advanced electronic technology, semiconductor manufacturing, insurance, banking, medical products, and others. Learning management systems are being used in partner support settings because they can be a cost-effective solution to providing performance support for a company’s products and services.
In some ways, partner support operations may be similar to customer support settings, but they possess some distinct differences. More often than not, and by its very nature, a partner channel of distribution exists because the partner adds value to the product and services your company offers. Partner support operations may be more concerned with tactical distribution or other issues because they are responsible for providing their part of the value chain in the delivery of your product or service.
Partners walk a different road with product end users. Partners need the flexibility to provide information and support customer needs, but in a way that supports and amplifies the value their company brings to the partner channel.
Why is it cost-effective to use an LMS for your company’s partner support operations?
Learning management systems have lots of functionality that can be used in partner support organizations. A good LMS lets you create multiple partner campuses, which the partners themselves can customize to meet an end-user customer’s needs. Each partner can have their own look and feel, with a large selection of capabilities to deliver their unique value-add to the product or service.
Learning management systems can be used to create a library of custom online courses that demonstrate how to use products and services. These courses can be easily updated with the information/service offering unique to the partner’s contribution to the product. They can have the same look and feel as the partner’s site, to maintain a branded experience. The course can be updated at will, so you’re not paying every three months to print new product guides and support manuals.
LMSs can be used to track and monitor your partner’s activities, instead of using a bunch of spreadsheets. This is very effective in scenarios where partners must be certified to use your products and services. The learning management system can be set up to notify a partner when their certification is set to expire, using an email tickler so they can recertify on your product. The partner organizations themselves can be configured into a hierarchy within the learning management system, which can be used to manage the partner distribution channel.
What other features in learning management systems can be used for the partner support function?
A well-designed LMS comes with a help desk feature that can be used for 24/7 partner and end-user customer support. Learning management systems can have integrated web conferencing technology, which can be used in a number of ways to support partners and end-user customers Such as:
· synchronous training used in product implementation;
· web conferencing on a new feature set that can be archived for later viewing;
· actual, on-the-spot tech-support using the “share your desktop” feature so your tech can go in and fix any problems
· and more.
LMSs can have a built-in survey tool that allows you to query your partners and end-user customers with the results stored in the learning management system database for later use. Learning management systems can have a single sign-on/e-Commerce registration feature that can be used to sell add-on features. LMSs also may have events management/seminar logistics add-on applications that can help you manage both your off-site and onsite partner and end-user customer support training. Each individual partner campus that is created can have its own reference area for materials, to help supplement online course content.
A company can realize effective resource planning and substantial cost savings by using learning management systems in partner support settings. The support offered through the functionality of a learning management system can go a long way to cement the relationship between the company and its partner distribution channel, and will have a direct impact on both organizations’ bottom lines. Using a learning management system, one or two channel partnership managers or business development managers can manage and direct thousands of partner firms at substantially reduced costs, with the ability to provide precise support requirements customized to that partner’s individual needs. In conclusion, web-based learning management systems can be a very useful, cost effective way to manage a company’s partner support function.
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What is a learning management system?
Learning management systems (LMSs) are web-based software application platforms used to plan, implement, and assess learning processes related to online and offline training administration and performance management. LMSs provide an instructor a way to create and deliver content, monitor learners’ participation, and assess student performance. They also provide learners with the ability to use interactive features, such as threaded discussions, web conferencing, discussion forums, and other methods of communication.
Where and why are learning management systems being used in partner support settings?
LMSs are being used in business-to-business, high-process, value-added, and technology-oriented business environments in industries like telecommunications, advanced electronic technology, semiconductor manufacturing, insurance, banking, medical products, and others. Learning management systems are being used in partner support settings because they can be a cost-effective solution to providing performance support for a company’s products and services.
In some ways, partner support operations may be similar to customer support settings, but they possess some distinct differences. More often than not, and by its very nature, a partner channel of distribution exists because the partner adds value to the product and services your company offers. Partner support operations may be more concerned with tactical distribution or other issues because they are responsible for providing their part of the value chain in the delivery of your product or service.
Partners walk a different road with product end users. Partners need the flexibility to provide information and support customer needs, but in a way that supports and amplifies the value their company brings to the partner channel.
Why is it cost-effective to use an LMS for your company’s partner support operations?
Learning management systems have lots of functionality that can be used in partner support organizations. A good LMS lets you create multiple partner campuses, which the partners themselves can customize to meet an end-user customer’s needs. Each partner can have their own look and feel, with a large selection of capabilities to deliver their unique value-add to the product or service.
Learning management systems can be used to create a library of custom online courses that demonstrate how to use products and services. These courses can be easily updated with the information/service offering unique to the partner’s contribution to the product. They can have the same look and feel as the partner’s site, to maintain a branded experience. The course can be updated at will, so you’re not paying every three months to print new product guides and support manuals.
LMSs can be used to track and monitor your partner’s activities, instead of using a bunch of spreadsheets. This is very effective in scenarios where partners must be certified to use your products and services. The learning management system can be set up to notify a partner when their certification is set to expire, using an email tickler so they can recertify on your product. The partner organizations themselves can be configured into a hierarchy within the learning management system, which can be used to manage the partner distribution channel.
What other features in learning management systems can be used for the partner support function?
A well-designed LMS comes with a help desk feature that can be used for 24/7 partner and end-user customer support. Learning management systems can have integrated web conferencing technology, which can be used in a number of ways to support partners and end-user customers Such as:
· synchronous training used in product implementation;
· web conferencing on a new feature set that can be archived for later viewing;
· actual, on-the-spot tech-support using the “share your desktop” feature so your tech can go in and fix any problems
· and more.
LMSs can have a built-in survey tool that allows you to query your partners and end-user customers with the results stored in the learning management system database for later use. Learning management systems can have a single sign-on/e-Commerce registration feature that can be used to sell add-on features. LMSs also may have events management/seminar logistics add-on applications that can help you manage both your off-site and onsite partner and end-user customer support training. Each individual partner campus that is created can have its own reference area for materials, to help supplement online course content.
A company can realize effective resource planning and substantial cost savings by using learning management systems in partner support settings. The support offered through the functionality of a learning management system can go a long way to cement the relationship between the company and its partner distribution channel, and will have a direct impact on both organizations’ bottom lines. Using a learning management system, one or two channel partnership managers or business development managers can manage and direct thousands of partner firms at substantially reduced costs, with the ability to provide precise support requirements customized to that partner’s individual needs. In conclusion, web-based learning management systems can be a very useful, cost effective way to manage a company’s partner support function.
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[The Money making of a Niche ::Free Data Entry Work :: Imtiaztips Weblog :: Free Webmaster Articles :: More iPod Articles :: Download Freeware Software :: Updated Contents about Google AdSense for NEWBIES.]
Information about website design, flash design & web application programming
Web designing is a process of designing the electronic files through planning, concepts, ideas, creativity, thinking, language etc, which is delivered via internet in the form of web site. The main purpose of the web designing is to create a web site.
Web site interprets the information about particular topic and website design is creation and arrangement of web pages that can be done by web development that includes but not limited to; Web Development, eCommerce, CMS, Content Management System, shopping Cart, Business Website Design, Flash Website design, business development. Main intent of designing/developing a website is to promote the business, advertising, access of online products, publishing news, giving information, education, money matters, etc….
For more information, visit the site ImtiazTips Freelancer Web Design
Web site interprets the information about particular topic and website design is creation and arrangement of web pages that can be done by web development that includes but not limited to; Web Development, eCommerce, CMS, Content Management System, shopping Cart, Business Website Design, Flash Website design, business development. Main intent of designing/developing a website is to promote the business, advertising, access of online products, publishing news, giving information, education, money matters, etc….
It is important that the website must be well developed and designed, not under construction, and content must be specific and neat about the particular topic, otherwise, it will not attract any visitor.
So to design and develop a website, several companies of website designing can be found on the internet, but the trick here is to choose appropriate company. One of which on the internet for web designing and web development named ImtiazTips Freelancer Web Design , is a well-established, well-experienced company, which also provides the best, qualitative, affordable services of web designing, web development, eCommerce, web, shopping cart, logo design, etc..For more information, visit the site ImtiazTips Freelancer Web Design
Keeping a blog up to date is one of the most important aspects of blogging.
Keeping a blog up to date is one of the most important aspects of blogging. This is so important because regular blog visitors expect new postings on a regular basis. Not all visitors expect to see a new post as often as once a day but most blog readers expect the content on the blog to be updated on a regular basis. In most cases visitors expect new content on at least a weekly basis. However, depending on the subject matter the visitors may expect updates on a basis which is either more frequent. Similarly visitors may not be interested in receiving this type of information more than a few times a year.
Blog owners should be aware of the frequency of which readers expect new posts and should make an effort to oblige the readers with updates this often. This article will discuss methods for keeping a blog up to date including scheduling a regular time to post blogs, using publishing tools wisely and hiring guest bloggers when necessary.
One way to help to ensure a blog remains up to date is to schedule time to post blogs on a daily basis. This is especially important when blog readers expect new posts on a daily basis or at least several times per week. Bloggers who allot a specific block of time each day to researching, writing and publishing blogs are more likely to have a blog which is up to date than bloggers who plan on accomplishing tasks when they find time to do so. There may still be days in which the blogger is unable to publish a new post on the blog but these days will be less frequent than if the blogger does not have a block of time strictly dedicated to keeping the blog up to date.
On days in which the blog is unable to devote time to blogging, the blogger may wish to at least publish a short message explaining why it was not possible to post a new blog entry. This will let readers know you are aware of their desire to read more information but are simply unable to publish a new blog post. As long as this does not become a regular occurrence, blog visitors are not likely to stop viewing a blog simply because the blogger skips a day or two.
Some blog publishing tools enable bloggers to write blog posts ahead of time and specify when each post should be published. This is an excellent feature for bloggers who want to publish new posts daily but are unable to dedicate time each day to writing blog posts. This way the blogger can dedicate a block of time each week to write blog posts and have the posts published throughout the week. This is often an easier method for many bloggers because they are able to be more efficient this way.
Bloggers may also want to consider hiring guest bloggers to assist them in keeping a blog up to date. This can be a worthwhile method for bloggers who are not only having difficulty keeping their blog up to date but are also interested in providing readers with a little variety. However, blog owners who opt for this message of keeping their blog up to date should carefully consider how the dedicated blog readers will react to this change. This is important because some readers may not be interested in reading blogs written by a guest blogger. Therefore the use of a guest blogger can actually be more detrimental to the blog than not updating the blog regularly.
Bloggers can gauge reader reaction to the use of guest bloggers in a couple of different ways. The simplest and most straight forward method is to poll the readers about the use of guest bloggers. This can be done by asking readers to comment on the issue and tabulating the comments received. Another method to gauge reader reaction is to introduce a guest blogger and compare the traffic the guest blogger receives to the traffic the blog owner receives.
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Blog owners should be aware of the frequency of which readers expect new posts and should make an effort to oblige the readers with updates this often. This article will discuss methods for keeping a blog up to date including scheduling a regular time to post blogs, using publishing tools wisely and hiring guest bloggers when necessary.
One way to help to ensure a blog remains up to date is to schedule time to post blogs on a daily basis. This is especially important when blog readers expect new posts on a daily basis or at least several times per week. Bloggers who allot a specific block of time each day to researching, writing and publishing blogs are more likely to have a blog which is up to date than bloggers who plan on accomplishing tasks when they find time to do so. There may still be days in which the blogger is unable to publish a new post on the blog but these days will be less frequent than if the blogger does not have a block of time strictly dedicated to keeping the blog up to date.
On days in which the blog is unable to devote time to blogging, the blogger may wish to at least publish a short message explaining why it was not possible to post a new blog entry. This will let readers know you are aware of their desire to read more information but are simply unable to publish a new blog post. As long as this does not become a regular occurrence, blog visitors are not likely to stop viewing a blog simply because the blogger skips a day or two.
Some blog publishing tools enable bloggers to write blog posts ahead of time and specify when each post should be published. This is an excellent feature for bloggers who want to publish new posts daily but are unable to dedicate time each day to writing blog posts. This way the blogger can dedicate a block of time each week to write blog posts and have the posts published throughout the week. This is often an easier method for many bloggers because they are able to be more efficient this way.
Bloggers may also want to consider hiring guest bloggers to assist them in keeping a blog up to date. This can be a worthwhile method for bloggers who are not only having difficulty keeping their blog up to date but are also interested in providing readers with a little variety. However, blog owners who opt for this message of keeping their blog up to date should carefully consider how the dedicated blog readers will react to this change. This is important because some readers may not be interested in reading blogs written by a guest blogger. Therefore the use of a guest blogger can actually be more detrimental to the blog than not updating the blog regularly.
Bloggers can gauge reader reaction to the use of guest bloggers in a couple of different ways. The simplest and most straight forward method is to poll the readers about the use of guest bloggers. This can be done by asking readers to comment on the issue and tabulating the comments received. Another method to gauge reader reaction is to introduce a guest blogger and compare the traffic the guest blogger receives to the traffic the blog owner receives.
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Nice Website Download:- Greeting Card Free Website Template / Travel Free Website Template / Education Free Website Template /Please visit: ImtiazTips- Webmaster Articles & Website Design, Development Tutorial for more information about web design.[The Money making of a Niche ::Free Data Entry Work :: Imtiaztips Weblog :: Free Webmaster Articles :: More iPod Articles :: Download Freeware Software :: Updated Contents about Google AdSense for NEWBIES.]
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