Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Building Rich Interfaces with Widgets and Panels

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) provides a library of widgets and panels that you can use in the Java
code of your Ajax application. They’re constructed with HTML using Java-Script to handle events; when your application is compiled to JavaScript, the browser renders them just like a traditional web page, without requiring a single plugin or even the JRE.

The widgets in GWT give you programmatic control over well-defined user interface elements. Some of the widgets wrap the standard HTML tags, such as img for images and anchors for links, along with the controls that forms use, such as buttons and file upload boxes. You can also use more complex widgets not available through HTML tags, such as the Tree widget to display a tree control that you would typically see in desktop applications.

The toolkit also includes panels—widgets that assist with the layout of your application’s interface. Panels follow strict rules for the arrangement of their child widgets so they look the same across all browsers.

It’s important to note that widgets in GWT don’t explicitly try to look like a desktop application; instead, they integrate well with the browser and aim to provide an experience familiar to users. In particular, a browser’s history mechanism lets you handle the back and forward buttons and links naturally. Also, the application can integrate with any part of an existing HTML page, letting the application still look like a web page and while taking advantage of the vertical space that users expect to be available.

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