Sunday, March 8, 2009

News outlets today are abuzz with stories about blogs.

News outlets today are abuzz with stories about blogs. In January 2005, Fortune magazine featured a story called “Why There’s No Escaping the Blog.” In May of the same year, “Blogs Will Change Your Business” screamed from the cover of Business-Week. Blogs have become so hot that some mainstream TV news reporters are quoting from the more popular blogs on the air. Unfortunately, despite all the press coverage, little is being published about how blogs can benefit you and your business. Blogs are not only here to stay, but they will have an effect on your business. The question is, will you use blogs to benefit your business, or will you ignore them and perhaps experience a negative consequence that takes you completely by surprise?

The power of blogging has certainly taken some by surprise. A major bike lock company was shocked when news surfaced in blogs that a pen could be used to open one of its world-famous locks. It resulted in a huge financial hit for the company, which offered to exchange potentially faulty locks with different models. Thankfully, plenty of positive stories resulting from blogs have also surfaced—stories of companies embracing the world of blogging and seeing massive expansion, goodwill, and visibility as a result. Blogging is a communication tool, a marketing technique, a listening device, and a way to interact directly with customers one-to-one on a global scale. A business can learn a lot by reading blogs to determine what customers and non-customers alike are saying about the business. Your business can benefit by using
blogs to spread the word about what your company has to offer its customers and to gain immediate feedback from customers.

Perhaps you’ve seen blogging featured on the covers of major business magazines, or you’ve started seeing notices about blogging conferences around the world. Perhaps you are simply curious about this tool that could revolutionize the way you think about your customers and conduct business. No matter where you’re at in the spectrum, this book is for you. If you are interested in the future of your company, you need to understand blogging.

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