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Friday, December 24, 2010
Podcasting, unlike other media forms, almost never has charges for services.
Podcasting, unlike other media forms, almost never has charges for services, and the vast majority of feed producers distribute free podcasts. This puts at odds with, say, online radio stations, news sites that offer media to subscribers, or the online music industry general. Even though podcasting has very direct correlations with industries like news and music that have strong business models, podcasting differs. Podcasting does not really have a business model, and hardly anyone is podcasting in order to profit from it. There are some businesses and news sites that podcast, but they do it as a way to supplement their companies and to gain technological geek credibility, not to make money. This is an odd thing, but explainable in light of what podcasting is.
The free podcast problem is not difficult, and podcasting differs in several key ways from other media areas. First, podcasting involves the physical transfer of a file from the host to the users computer.
An online radio station does not do this; all that they provide to their listeners is a streaming sound file that cannot be saved without difficulty and work. If someone did manage to do so, the station would have strong grounds for suing them since they were never given the rights to keep and store the files. By podcasting the complete file to the users computer, express permission is granted the user to copy and use as they wish. Second, the podcasts are, for the most part, made by individuals who have low costs involved in creating and distributing the files, as opposed to a news broadcast or song by a music company. These individuals have little reason to charge for their work since there is little cost to them to do so.
Because the files are distributed in a way allows their copying and does not control the media, and since podcasting is a very low cost media outlet, feed producers have little reason or ability to charge for their work.
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Finding Podcast Hosting - Podcasting deals with large media files
The first thing required is a domain name where the site will be located. Many domain registrars are available who will help one register a domain name for a small fee. Once the domain is registered, hosting is required, and again there are many different companies willing to
do the hosting for a small fee. One of those is bluehost.com, but many others are available. When
looking for a host, the most important thing is to make sure that a lot bandwidth and storage space is available and cheap.
Since podcasting deals with large media files, a lot of disk space will be taken up storing the
files and bandwidth will be eaten quickly when they are downloaded by the subscribers.
After podcast hosting has been acquired, it needs to be used and the site needs to be set up. The DNS addresses of the site need to be set to the addresses that the host provides you so that the servers that underlie the internet will know where your site is. DNS addresses can be set by going to the domain registrar that was used to acquire the domain and inputting the addresses
provided by the host. After that is done, it will take a few days before the master list the domain registar updates will be shared throughout the internet and all name servers know where to find your specific domain.
You can then go about setting up your own podcast.
Using the podcast hosting you now have, you will need to look at the disk space allocated to the site using something called and FTP browser. The host may provide one as part of their hosting plan, but if not there are many available free to choose from. Using the FTP browser, log on to the host and upload a file called dircaster.php after editing it to fit the specifics of the site. Dircaster.php is an easy to find piece of coding that generates a feed file by looking at the contents of its directory or folder. The individual episodes to be podcasted can then be uploaded to the same folder as dircaster.php for cataloging. Make sure that all the meta data, or information about the mp3 file is correct before doing so.
The podcast hosting you now have will allow you to distribute a podcast. It would be best to upload more to the site, such as an index page that tells visitors about the podcast and provides the address of the file dircaster.php on your site. When they subscribe to that file, the podcast client thy use will access it and recieve information about the latest podcasts available.
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Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Internet is home to various artists, web artists, and designers both professional and amateur.
It can afford to provide individuals with opportunities to freely explore their artistic capabilities and publish content to a borderless audience.
However, unluckily, alongside this freedom of expression afforded to everyone is the capacity to offend sensibilities. Some website provide great utility and aesthetic pleasure—others are bound to get annoying.
There are ways and means in order to avoid getting annoying, and its best to start by knowing when web design of a website does get annoying.
Using colors that just do not work
Colors in good and sensible does are a good means in order to attract attention and communicate ideas and emotions to an audience. They can help add interest to a dull site full of text, and even introduce and maintain a certain mood (as in scary websites using black as a background).
However, there is a fine line between too much and just about right. What gets annoying when it comes to colors is when readability is compromised, and combinations are too loud for comfort. When readability is compromised, it can pose great discomfort to the site’s visitors when they try to decipher the text that they want to have access to. Using too many colors and colors that do not complement each other tend to make the website look goofy and awkward, and can make the website lose whatever credibility it can possibly gain.
Too many clicks to get to the end of the road
At the end of the day, people who visit websites do so in order to access information and content in a website. Some websites tend to re-route visitors through too many clicks before they get to the content they want to get to assuming that the content is indeed somewhere in the multiple pages they are made to access. Obviously, that gets annoying. Rule of thumb says that a maximum of three clicks (but preferably less) should be enough in order for someone surfing a site to get to the information they want to get to.
Excessive graphics that take too long to load
Graphics and pictures, when relevant and are the primary content meant for the website, are a welcome part of a website. However, when they just serve the purpose of aesthetic enhancement, graphics and pictures that take too long to load—and inevitably, slow the process of accessing primary content—become a major reason for discontent and displeasure among visitors.
It is also helpful to note that not all visitors of the website are equipped with optimal download or Internet surfing speeds; excessive graphics that are too large and thus, take too long to load are not only unwelcome but also a great inconvenience to a great number of people.
Navigation that’s over-the-top and difficult to follow
Overcomplicating the navigation of the website can greatly hamper the efficacy of the website to communicate its content, and can hurt the accessibility of many pages to its visitors. At any point during their visit to a site, it is important to assure that the visitors have some way in order to trace back their steps and return to content they previously accessed, as well as carry on with accessing other content.
For simplicity’s sake, many websites solve this problem by having a constant button present on all pages for visitors to return to their main menu page, or their cover page.
Fonts that simply do not work
Depending on the browser and fonts installed by the users on their computers, extremely decorative and highly uncommon fonts may not be displayed the way the web designer intended them to appear—and may oftentimes even compromise the readability of the text per se.
In order to avoid this from happening, many web designers opt to stay within the bounds of major font families (Helvetica, verdana, and the like). That way, they are assured that most (if not all) of their visitors will be viewing the site as designed, and thus have greater control of the way the page will be displayed in the end.
There is never a ‘perfect’ template for design as it is open to the subjectivity and artistic limitations of designers. However, understanding the behavior of site visitors can only help make shape design innovation and utility move towards greater heights.
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Is There Such a Thing as Optimal Web Design?
However, there is such a thing coined by many as optimal web design. Optimal, by virtue of its definition alone, already means the most favorable or desired form of any particular subject. This then translates to what is optimal web design—which is web design that best suits the tastes of the greater majority, while at the same time working within the feasibility constraints of any undertaking.
What then makes web design optimal? Web design is optimal when it seeks to provide maximum utility to users while providing business or operational viability. In this way, the designer is able to best provide for the demand of both the end consumers as well as the people who plan and conceptualize for the purpose of deriving profit.
Putting the end users in mind is another means in order to emphasize what’s in every web designer’s mind—friendlier usability for each and every user. This means taking into consideration the fact that people visit websites in order to find particular content; therefore, it is imperative that the content must always take the precedence over any other accents and extraneous designs or artwork.
The more effective web designers are not afraid to make use of white backgrounds, or generally very clean lines in their website. By limiting the use of unrelated pictures that may even cause loading the page to take longer, and adding in very integral elements like the title and an outline of the contents of the page, it brings attention back to the content over anything else.
Pictures, unless completely necessary, should be used sparingly. When it would take longer than usual to load due to the size or the volume of pictures, it is recommended to forewarn users so that they may opt out of viewing pictures and instead proceed to seeking content they need. Moreover, advertisements and their placements, when possible, must be planned so that while they will serve their purpose, they will also in no way cause distraction or distaste to the visitors of the website.
Moreover, navigation is made consistent and simple in order to make accessing content as simple and as easy as possible. After all, who’s to say if everyone who surfs the Internet have the same capacities to grasp and decipher navigational tactics and the like.
Integrate into the design a means through which each and every visitor may have access to basic information about the website and its proponents (usually in the ‘About’ page), as well as a means of access to the privacy statement of the company. After all, the latter has played a big role in building—or inversely destroying—many relationships on the Internet.
An additional means in order to have an optimal web design is by using rudimentary conventions in web design—like making clear buttons, describing links accurately, and displaying links in the conventional blue. In this manner, the website will accommodate even the older users without the same sort of grounding with the use of the computer, and will make sure that users have the least amount of trouble in just trying to access a design.
However, there are also particular selling points that will assure marketability and will reflect business viability to its necessary degree. First and foremost, aesthetic design and code design are very much limited by the resources made available by the company. It is also important that the website has the capacity to meld in with the strategies undertaken by the company.
The first consideration in the optimal business viability of a website are the limitations experienced and set in order to create it. This includes the limitations on space, the domain address, as well as the terms and conditions that a company would have to sign in order to enlist services.
Moreover, optimal web design when it comes to business applications when the website is able to integrate itself to all the collective efforts, like marketing strategies and the like, of any company hoping to gain an edge through the Internet. This means that in the end, while aesthetics play an important role, creating an optimal web design is still one that best accommodates without alienation its users, sponsors, and web design planners.
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Things You Need to Know about Magazine Publishing.
What is a Magazine and How Different is it from a Book?
The most obvious difference between a magazine and a book is that magazines are changed. They have schedules by which issues are published and distributed to the different bookstores -- weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. This gives the magazine publishing industry the edge of being constantly renewable. They have the chance to constantly adjust to their readers' demands such that they will be able to encompass a larger audience and keep the interest up.
Books don't have this advantage because once the story is out, it's out. The only chance authors have at change is through different editions which don't really alter the story drastically. Magazines, on the other hand, are capable of providing a wide variety of articles suitable to the majority of their readers' interests, and thus, the industry continues to thrive.
Magazines as a Major Production on Paper
There are so many ingredients before you are able to publish a legit and official magazine. First, and obviously, you won't expect to just write a few articles, paste some pictures and voila, a magazine is born. This is not how it happens in the magazine publishing industry. Aside from consumer profit, the industry lives on because of the advertisements that fill the pages with new product lines, promos and simple attention-getters.
Second, you'll need an appropriate publishing schedule, depending on the content of the magazine. For continuously changing content such as news and current events, they could come by weekly or twice in a week. More specific content could be published within a longer time period since it takes more time to gather up special topics and relevant material.
You'll find on most magazines that there's a specified date by which they assume the magazine was published. In truth, magazines are prepared for many weeks in advance and are published before the indicated date. This is to anticipate for any delays from the many writers that contribute to the content.
Third, you'll need to be aware of the availability of the magazine. Are they available on newsstands or bookstores? Will they be sold in specialty stores and vintage bookstores or just the main multinational bookstores? Will there be the option of subscribing to the mailing list? Usually this gives the readers the incentive of not having to line up for a copy and just getting the issues in the mail every time they are distributed.
Sometimes readers even get special offers and early published issues. As for those who have missed out on important issues, there may also be the option of ordering back issues. These are issues published in the past that were returned to the publishers, usually because they were not completely sold before the next issues arrived.
Magazine publishing is a process with undoubtedly complicated shoes to fill. So many elements go into the publishing of a magazine that sometimes we may even wonder how so many of them are offered and distributed all around the world.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Free Blogging Resources to Save Money and Maximize Net Exposure
Therefore blogs can be used for many different things; one of them might be to save money and to maximize net exposure. Many online web pages offer free web hosting space to people or offer a web blog that can be built into one’s own homepage. Blogs are a great tool to get feedback from friends, customers and anyone who visits the page. Blogs can help with net exposure due to the popularity of some blogs. There are two essential ways a blog can get popular and give one greater exposure. The one is the citation of the blog on certain major homepages visited by many, and the second is through affiliation. Whole blogging communities exist, where people almost chat with each other about certain topics. One can save money by using blogs that are offered for free or by actually boosting one’s own site on some of the popular blogs that allow such content in their text.
Some of the blogs are used to post money saving tips on a regular base. These pages will post deals, finds and more in their blog for others to check out. These blogs are created and then added to by many. It is easy to find these blogs using one of the blogospheres. Blogoshperes, blog content search engines can help Internet users to find a blog with a content that they a re looking for.
Major financial companies offer blogs for financial tips. This is a way to save money without having to have an own paid financial adviser, but the blog can act like one. Some of these financial blogs also offer help and assistance to people. It is a community of people that have had similar problems and where one can get help if necessary, Of course it is always dangerous to release too much information about oneself on the Internet, but when handled with caution, these blogs can be a great help for personal finances and for saving money.
Blogs for saving money offer many categories. Some money saving tips on these blogs is about health care, baby products, student life, buying cars and more. These informative pages can help anyone who takes the time to read them save big bucks or even make money. Help is often given to people with these pages in the form of others that have experienced similar things, experts in the field or just general advice.
Blogging is as easy as writing and e-mail and therefore can be done by anyone who has a working PC that is connected to the Internet. Blog generally offer an entry form and an option to read the entry before it is posted. There is also a way to respond to certain post by posting another blog entry. All the entries are generally public and available to anybody and therefore it is important to know that there are consequences and liability when writing blog entries. Even though some are anonymous, many blogs require the posters name.
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Sunday, November 7, 2010
Start Sampling for Free with the Start Sampling Website.
There is one Web destination that you should know about. The websites is known simply as StartSampling.com, and it can do wonders for your cache of freebies. If you are an avid freebie hunter, this is a website that you will definitely want to keep at your freebies by placing it on your active bookmark list. You will find that this is a fun and active community that you can consult on a regular basis for the best in online freebie sampling.
How Can You Become a Member of StartSampling?
If you are a newbie to the world of online sampling and freebies, here is a brief primer on becoming a member of this active community. First, StartSampling is a free service—never sign up for a freebie service that asks for monetary compensation or that requires a yearly membership sign-up. All you need in order to become a member of the StartSampling community is the ability to willingly sample many fine products from some of the company's leading manufacturers. As a member of StartSampling, you will receive samples as well as participate in the site's own Frequent Tryer Miles program. The Frequent Tryer Milers program allows you to collect points. You collect these points from participating in a variety of sampling programs and taking advantage of special offers and promotions. As a reward for participating in these programs, you will receive pints and gifts for free. This is your reward for being an active member of the StartSampling community.
How to Contact the StartSampling Company Directly:
If you find that you have questions and concerns about using StartSampling, you can contact the company directly by selecting the 'contact us' button that is located at the bottom of the StartSampling home page. However, you will probably find that most of your questions can be answered directly simply by perusing the FAQ section of the website carefully. The FAQ provides you with an extensive list of questions and answers that have been addressed and compiled by the company.
What Exactly Does StartSampling Do?
Many newcomers to the StartSampling community wonder if the company is a web research enterprise. In reality, StartSampling is a promotions and marketing company. They have recently managed to establish themselves as a leader in online sampling. They do this by connecting consumers directly with the right kinds of companies. As an active participant of the StartSampling community, you will have the opportunity to receive samples from companies that you did not previously recognize. Sampling also allows you to inform marketers about your specific desires and interests. This way, you will receive product and service offers that are tailored specifically to your interests. In effect, think of StartSampling as a way to make your voice heard as a consumer.
Where Do the Product Samples Come From?
With so many online samples coming your way, perhaps you are wondering where all the samples provided by this community come from. All the samples provided to you by StartSampling are furnished directly by the small and large companies that are working with StartSampling. These samples are provided to StartSampling because these companies believe in their products and want consumers to try them and express an honest opinion. Most companies are looking to receive consumer feedback from members of their targeted consumer group.
Who is Behind the World of StartSampling?
Many newcomers are curious about who is behind the scenes at StartSampling. StartSampling is a leading online company managed by small group of energetic individuals. It is a privately held organization that is growing at a rapid pace.
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Monday, November 1, 2010
What is Web Hosting? - To view web-sites on the internet.
Web hosting services are services that customers can utilize after they have purchased monthly dial up or broadband services that allow them access to the internet. Web hosting services use hosting and client architecture to load content to the server so web pages and information can be viewed on the internet in its original HTML format.
A web hosting company will offer clients access to a server that will provide the clients’ content to individuals on the World Wide Web after they make a URL or domain name request. To view pages on the web, you must have a web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator to request the web page from the server after you have purchased internet access.
Web sites are pages that are stored on a computer called a server. The server is a part of a network of computers on the internet or World Wide Web that allows users of the internet to reach your site anywhere in the world at anytime. The internet is open 24 hours, seven days a week around the clock. Host computers are configured so that when your URL or domain name is typed in, the address will use a pointer routine (look for the address from terminal to terminal) until it reaches the computer that hosts your web-site. Then, if all is okay, your web site should display itself on the users screen.
Hosting companies require that you buy your URL or domain name first before you purchase hosting services. Most hosting companies have a package that will allow you to buy the domain name and hosting at the same time.
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Tools That Facebook Provide To Let You Market Effectively
Facebook is now one of the largest growing social networking websites today. With over 62 million subscribers and is continuing to grow every single day, you will be able to see that people do indeed use this particular website to keep in touch with their friends that they already personally known and also make new friends from other networks in Facebook.
Millions of Facebook users log in and log out of the website every single day. With this kind of traffic, you know that this particular website will serve more than just a website for social networking. you market your products or services on the internet, internet traffic like this will seem like a gold mine. o, if you own a business, you may want to try marketing your products, services or your official website in Facebook. Why? It's pretty obvious why you should market in Facebook. The first reason is that you already have the traffic. With millions of people logging in and out every single day, you have to consider that this website will have a lot of potential in letting you get a lot of customers.
Another reason is the communication tools that are readily provided by Facebook. Primarily used for communicating with your network and your group or groups, the tools here can also serve as tools for internet marketing.
The first tool that you can use is the Groups tool. Try joining a group that is interested in what you have to sell. Then, try interacting with the group and after the group becomes well-acquainted with you, you can indirectly tell them that you are selling the things that they are interested in.
The News Feed is also another great tool that you can use in Facebook to market your profile page as well as your website. In the News Feed, it will be able to announce whatever it is you are doing to your network of friends.
You can also try advertising in Facebook Ads. Although it might cost you some cash to advertise in Facebook Ads, you will see that it is quite affordable and it can definitely attract the attention of your network.
These are the reasons why you should advertise in Facebook and some of the many available tools that you can use to market your products, services or your business website. Through Facebook, you will see that internet marketing has never been easier before. Here, you will get the traffic you want and you will also get the tools you need to effectively market your business.
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Saturday, October 23, 2010
How to Generate Web Traffic Without Spending a Cent!
Well, you don’t have to spend a cent; all you need is the proper mindset and a lot of eagerness. You also must have the drive and perseverance to do hard work and research to generate more traffic for your site.How sweet it is to have more traffic for your site without spending a single cent. Now it’s a sure thing that many sites have articles that offer tips and guidelines in how to generate traffic using only free methods. Because it is possible, you don’t need to speed a single cent, it may take time, to say honestly, I’m not going to beat around the bush with you. You get better chances by paying for your advertisements, but at least you get a fighting chance with some of these free methods I’m about to tell you.
Take advantage of online forums and online communities. The great thing about forums and online communities is that you can target a certain group that fits the certain demographic that you are looking for. You can discuss about lots of things about the niche that you represent or offer. Another great advantage is that you know what you are getting into and you will be prepared.With online communities and forums you can build a reputation for your company. Show them what you are made of and wow them with your range of expertise about the subject, with that you can build a reputation and build trust with the people in your expertise and knowledge.You can also make use of newsletters.
Provide people with a catalog of your products and interesting and entertaining articles. If you make it really interesting and entertaining, more people will sign up for your newsletter and recommend it to other people. The more people who signs up for your newsletter, the more people there will be that will go to your site increasing your traffic. Another great idea is trading links with other sites. You don’t have to spend a cent. All you have to do is reach an agreement with another webmaster. With exchanging links, the efforts both sites do will benefit both sites. Every traffic that goes to the site could potentially click on the link of your site and visit your site as well. This works well especially when both sites feature the same niche.Write articles that could pique the attention of people that have interest in your product. Try writing articles that will provide tips and guides to other aficionados. Writing articles that provide good service and knowledge to other people would provide the necessary mileage your traffic flow needs.
Many sites offer free submission and posting of your articles. When people find interest in your articles they have a good chance of following the track by finding out where the article originated. Include a link or a brief description of your company with the article and there’s a great probability that they will go to your site.Write good content for your site. Many search engines track down the keywords and keyword phrases your site uses and how they are used. It is not a requirement that a content should be done by a professional content writer. You could do your on but you have to make content for your site that is entertaining as well as informational. It should provide certain requirements as well as great quality. Generally, internet users use search engines to find what they are looking for. Search engines in return use keyword searching in aiding their search results. With the right keywords, you could get high rankings in search engine results without the costs.All of these methods and more will drive more traffic to your site for free. All it takes is a bit of effort and extended man hours. Learn all you can about the methods depicted here and you will soon have a site with a great traffic flow without the usual costs that come with it.
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010
When you use twitter, you can create your personal brand or dominate a certain niche.
Twitter – Must Read:- It seems that many people can’t get enough of Twitter. They are always talking about it, online and offline. Through Twitter, you can build a large network of friends, clients, associates, and customers. This is a must read for those who are new in this social network website.
When you use twitter, you can create your personal brand or dominate a certain niche. How can you achieve this?
Once you create your own profile page, the very first thing that you need to do is get ‘followers’. If you have friends or relatives who are already in Twitter, invite them. This may not be of great help to you especially if you’re trying to promote your business but if you’re simply making new friends and want to stay connected, this is a good start. For business persons, you need to follow ‘gurus’ or the powerful users of Twitter.
You must know what they’re doing in order to ensure success in Twitter marketing. The second thing that you need to do is to meet more people. ‘ReTweets’ are great for making new friends. In this tool, the original message is repeated. Whenever you receive a message or tweet, reply as soon as you receive them. So even if you receive dozens of tweets from your followers, you need to reply to them patiently. You will never go tired of using Twitter and as what other users claim – Twitter is addicting.
Once you use the social site, you can’t get enough of it. When you sit down to answer the tweets or messages, you will hardly notice how time pass by. Some individuals spend hours and hours online twittering. You can also do the same but you must have a fast internet connection. Look for helpful tools that you can use to create memorable Twitter experiences. The profile page is very important to attract more followers. A dull profile will not be fruitful. You must make your profile as interesting as possible. It should also suit your purpose for using the site. If it’s for business purposes, you must create a powerful and intriguing page. It must tell something about the product or service you’re marketing. Even if you want to make friends, your page should still be interesting.
Use the Twitter tools available so that you can have one of the most attractive pages; that way, when someone visits your profile page, they will want to be friends with you. When you get their attention, they will continue to follow you. Appreciate all your followers so that you can develop stronger relationships. Having friends from different parts of the world is truly exciting. If you can’t stay online often, you should set the settings properly so that you can receive the tweets on your mobile device. You can now reply to the tweets using your mobile device. So you see, twittering is possible anywhere at any time. You can enjoy twittering during your coffee or lunch breaks or when you’re out shopping. You can tell others what you’re doing and where you are if you want to.
Always stay connected and don’t forget to post tweets regularly. If you want others to feel your presence, Twitter everyday; soon you will be one of the twitter addicts out there. Read this and you won’t regret it.
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Monday, October 18, 2010
Using Subdomains—Benefits and Drawbacks
A subdomain is substitute or second-level of a domain. A regular domain looks as follows: www.jamesbrown.com . A sub domain looks like this http://plrarticlesfree.webstarts.com/. Subdomains do not have www on the front of them. All subs start with http://plrarticlecollecton.50webs.com pattern of identification.
Subdomains rank efficiently well. Search engine spiders and bots are not prejudiced when it comes to the ranking of subdomains and regular domains. As long as your site has the right SEO keywords and has been optimized, whether you have a subdomain or regular domain name doesn’t make a difference at all. Let’s pretend that you site has a lot of categories in it. If you were to submit to a search engine, you could submit each subdomain as its own individual category and still get a good ranking. Each subdomain would be looked at by search engines as a new site with its own index or home page. You may want to try creating subfolders on the
subdomain to get around this so that search engines can read the folder as one set of site information. People worry about their subdomain getting banned if the main domain name is banned. If the main domain is banned, it will have an effect on the subdomain. You see this happen often in adult content sites that have violated certain agreements that they have signed with a provider that does not want a domain used for adult material.
Again, there is nothing wrong with using a subdomain. If you want to develop each subdomain as its own entity, then by all means, do so. If not, get yourself a main domain name and use that as a certified landing page.
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Saturday, October 16, 2010
You Can Double Your Website Traffic And Sales Using Relationalship Forum Marketing
Marketing has always revolved around relationships. The basic element of relationship from the aspect of online marketing is to weave an element of trust between the potential purchaser and the vendor or web site owner. Once there is this element of trust, even the tiniest bond that has been sown between the potential buyer and seller, it becomes easier for the potential buyer to take a further step to buy the product. That is why many marketers are establishing forum boards and blogs to interact with clients and to provide support and to answer queries.
These forum boards provide a fertile ground for you to test out forum marketing for your products.
You need to compile a list of the discussion boards and blogs that are related to your product or service line that you are going to market. Then on a daily basis, visit these forums to read their postings. These forums are the best sites where newbies to internet marketing would congregate to seek free resources, or request information or advice from more experienced forumers. When you see a post where you can respond, make a brief informative post, and more importantly make sure you leave a reference to your web site in your signature line. This confers on you two advantages. Firstly, you gain a backlink to your site when you leave your website address in a much visited forum, and secondly, forumers who read your post will tend to visit your web site by following the link in your post. Some internet marketers channel all their visitors to a squeeze page and not to a sales website directly. This squeeze page is a sign up page where you get the email address of the visitor in return for a free download of a ebook or report or software. By using this squeeze page, you gain targeted leads.
Statistics show a potential buyer would need to be exposed at least 3 to 5 times before he becomes interested to take the next step to purchase anything from you. By getting his email, you can email him on a regular schedule or use an autoresponder to channel your marketing message across.
The most important part of forum marketing is to identify a group of marketing forums and blogs related to your product or services that you are selling, from which you can then launch off. Once you have the list of forums and discussion boards, it becomes a daily affair to spend enough time to visit these forums and to post to them. Beware though, forum reading can be addictive, and you can be spending a whole lot of time on reading and posting to forums. Track your leads, and as you continue to do your forum posting daily, you will see a steady increase in your web site traffic and your sales.
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Why Run a Membership Web Site?
One of the ways people can achieve this is through the running of a membership site. By running a membership site you will obtain a reliable monthly income and a large group of people that look forward to what you have to say and who trust what you do online. For these people you are an expert in your field and a person that can be relied on and that is what every Internet marketer is looking for.
The Benefits of a Membership Web Site
Whether you know it or not, it is every internet marketers dream to have a large group of people who know you and trust you. You can achieve this through a membership web site. Once you have created these bonds, then you can market your own products or affiliated products to these members, so not only do you get the residual income from the fee you charge, but you also sell other products to your select group of people.
As your membership grows, so will the opportunities that come your way. People will see you as the expert in your field and other people will want to join, as well as marketers who will want to advertise with you, have you promote their products and you will also earn a commission from those products. This means you will receive bigger and better business opportunities.
Does this sound good? Well this is what owning a membership site can do for you. It is said that membership sites have increased in popularity by over 500% in the last few years, and a very hot product, believe it or not, is information. You can sell quality content or information to your members and get paid quite nicely to do it.
Paid Membership Site Vs. Free Membership Site
There are essentially two types of membership sites; the paid membership site, and the free membership site. The paid membership site has a certain limited number of members who pay you a certain amount monthly, bi-monthly, twice a year or yearly to access the information they need. These fees can vary from between $5 to $10 to $200 depending on your industry and what you are selling. The benefits to this type of membership site are obvious in that you produce a residual income and because almost 70% of your members will be recurring members then you don’t have to focus so much attention to attracting new clients.
What are the benefits of the Free Membership site?
So how does the free membership site work? Obviously, if you’re not charging a fee then you can’t be making any money from your site. This is not so! Remember when I mentioned before, that a membership site produces one of the most sought after goals of any Internet marketer, and that is trust. You have established yourself as an expert in your field to your membership group. You have done this by offering quality information they can use, and information that your reader is looking for.
This works to your advantage in that at the same time you offer free information, you also offer other services or products that are related to your industry. This is called affiliate marketing, and the benefit is that you can market any number o products and services.
Your email list will continually grow and you can send all kinds of information about different products to the members who have signed up at your site.
Of course one of the issues with free membership sites is that you always have to be adding fresh content, updating constantly and finding things that are of interest to your readers, but even that is less expensive than running all of those PPC campaigns or advertisements. If you still feel like you are not making enough revenue from your free membership site, you can always have an option where your readers or viewers can upgrade to a paid membership version where they will receive even more information than what they do from the free membership site.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Website Promotion through PPC Bid Management
Pay per click (PPC) is a means to advertise business through the use of keywords/phrases in the search engines. The advertiser is required to only pay for each click that sends a visitor to his website. Search engines such as Overture, Google Adwords, Search Yahoo and Miva are just some examples of search engines. They offer top positions among the sponsored listings for particular keywords/phrases you choose. The idea for bidding is you have to buy/bid on keywords/phrases relevant to your business. The highest bidder gets to be on the top of the search result listing and the second highest bidder, of course, gets the next top listing and so on. Every time a visitor clicks on your website, you will have to pay the same amount that you bid on that particular keyword.
PPC can be very costly, time consuming and sometimes not worthy. But if you know how to go about the step by step procedures, PPC is a welcome change to traditional advertising.
If you do your searches for products, articles and auctions in the net, you usually type in a keyword or a set of phrase to guide you in your search. Either you use Google or Yahoo Search depending on where you are most comfortable at and where you usually get the best results. As soon as you key in the search button, immediately a long list of keywords or phrase will be displayed containing the keywords you key in. The first or the top link that you saw is most likely the one who bids the highest for that keyword you type. In this way, businessmen will produce the desired results; they get to be advertised, at the same time, saving and spending only for the clicks they need that might translate to potential sales.
The way to start PPC bid management is to identify first the maximum cost per click (CPC) you are willing to pay for a given keyword or phrase. CPC varies from time and even search engine to search engine too. Maximum CPC can be measured by averaging the current costs of bids (bids range from $0.25 to $5). Average of these bids is to be used as the maximum CPC to begin with. As your ad campaign progresses, the actual conversion rate (visitors turning to potential buyers/sales) will be determined and you may have to adjust your CPC (bidding rate) accordingly.
When you start to bid, see to it that you adopt different bidding strategies for various search engines. Search engines have their own PPC systems that require different approaches. It is also worthy to identify different bids for the same keyword phrases in various search engines.
Another thing, it is wiser not to bid for the top spot for two reasons: 1) It is very expensive and impractical, and 2) Surfers usually try different search queries in various search engines before they settle on the right one that fits to what they are looking for. This hardly results to conversion. Try to bid for the fifth spot instead and work your way up.
If you are now going steady on your PPC biddings, it is time for you to develop your own bidding strategy accordingly. It is important for you to track down which sites bring the bulk of your traffic and identify the ranking of your paid ads. This will help your bidding strategy to be effective and you should also decide where you want your ad to be positioned. Usually your maximum CPC will limit your choices.
Bid gaps (e.g. $ 0.40, 0.39, bid gap, 0.20, 0.19, 0.18) occur when there is a significant price increase to move up one spot in the PPC rankings. It is best if you take advantage of the bid gaps by filling them in so you can save up your cents to other bidding opportunities. Often there are keywords worthy of lesser bids to get the appropriate ranking on the list and produce a good number of clicks and higher conversion rate rather than bidding higher but having a poor conversion rate. You have to put in mind that overbidding too is not good but rather the best position for the most effective bid.
Using pay-per-click bid management in promoting your website will only be successful if you take time building many lists across many engines and studying the performance of every listing. In this way, you can make the most value from what you spend in the bidding process. The key is to use the necessary precautions to stay ahead of the competition.
Bid Management Tools
In ensuring best results, you may use bid management tools. There are accepted and approved management tools that will help you in your bidding.
They are categorized in two different types:
• Web based (services by monthly subscription)
• PC based (a purchased software)
Monitoring tools too may help in the tracking down of your keywords/phrases and search engines as to which among them often generate sales, overall and in relation to your cost per click. This is what you call return of investment (ROI) monitoring.
These bid management tools may include additional functions that may not get from online marketing tools that are readily available. Other tools can monitor competitor’s bids, produce reports for different parties and offer the ability to interface with multiple PPC engines. This is particularly helpful to those who manage more than a hundred keywords across several PPC engines to boost productivity and save time.
More..Online Data Entry Jobs / A to Z Download: http://freedownloada2z.blogspot.com/
Learning to scrapbook will take some commitment and it is really like a piece of art.

Learn the techniques to scrapbook you will be able to enjoy, however, you will have to get to know a few basic tools, supplies, and learn some skills before you get started. You will want to create albums, but it will take. Projects are difficult, but it can be very rewarding when you end up with something like a family heirloom. It can be enjoyable to do and then the memories that you gather can be passed down to your grandchildren.
To get started, you first need pictures. Everyone has boxes filled with pictures, but you may notice that some are discolored or warped because of the poor storage. The world around us in our homes is full of acid and moisture, which breaks down the chemical balance, used to produce photographs and causes them to change appearance. With scrap booking, you will want to use acid free supplies so that you can preserve the pictures for many years and decades to come.
There are some basics tools that you will need to get before you start your voyage of scrap booking. Every good scrap booker needs a cutting tool. You will need to get sharp scissors and specialty scissors that will cut scalloped edges, but you may also want something that will cut a straight line and circles. You will also need some form of adhesive. Beginners may find that the easiest products to buy are photo mounts, which are tiny pre-cut pieces of tape, and glue dots, which are pressure-sensitive strong spots of glue to hold larger embellishments. Beyond a cutting tool and adhesive, you really don’t need any other tools to get started, but if you want to create fancier pages, many options are available including rubber stamps, paper crimpers, and punches. Start with a few smaller items and increase your inventory as you learn more and more scrapbooking skills.
You will also need a few basic supplies before you begin, the most important of which is the album itself. Make sure whatever you purchase is large enough to hold all the pictures you want to include; two to five pictures will fit on a standard 8 ½ x 11 page with cropping, with the most balanced layouts having three pictures. You can also choose from larger or smaller albums. Really, the only other supply that you will need to get your scrapbook album started is some paper. Most albums come with a white piece of paper in each sheet protector, but there are many colors and designs to choose from to help spice up your album. Other supplies that add interest to your pages include paper dolls, stickers, die cuts, and three-dimensional elements.
When it comes to the skills that you will need, you can find it to be creativity and you’ll learn how to do things that you see in a magazine or online and mimic it in your art. If you would like to again some skills the fast way, you will want to attend or join a scrapbook workshop or club. As for the workshops, you will be able to attend many workshops when you check out the craft schedule at the local stores. You can also go to a local craft store and ask them how to start the scrapbook and you’ll be able to learn and master the process of scrap booking.
More..Online Data Entry Jobs / A to Z Download: http://freedownloada2z.blogspot.com/
Learning The Emotional Peaks and Valleys of Web Videos
The greatness of most web videos comes from the pre-production phase. It is here that you will discuss how you want your video to look, what you want to say and why you want to say it. When you figure out the answers to all of these questions, than you will be on your way to creating a wonderful web video, of course, figuring out how you want your video to look is extremely important. If you are going for a more polished look, than you will want to spend more time discovering the actual appearance of your video, all the way down from lighting, clothing and camera angles.
If you want to create a web video that has presence than you want to set a mood. The success of a web video all depends on what mood it is giving out to its viewers. If you want a humorous video, than there are steps to creating a video that exudes humor, and likewise with serious web videos. The planning of how you want to convey your message is extremely important. Of course, there are several tips that everyone must follow if they want to properly explain their content.
The first of these is making sure that your web video has a story. In order to understand how to make a story, you must first realize what a story is. When you think of a great story, there are usually items called peaks and valleys.
A peak is a strong emotional moment; you can convey this many different ways. If you are making a video about a product, than the "peak" of the story would be explaining how this product can enhance your life and what it will do for you. The same concept is true for the "valley" of a video. In the same product web video, the valleys would be showing how the product works, and also how it is made.
This is a great way to engage the viewers, as well as keep their information. If you want to make a lasting impact on your web video audience, than you must touch their emotions in one way or another. It doesn't matter if your web video makes individuals happy, sad, angry or even content, when you are able to create a video that alters the mood or emotion of the viewer, than you have a very successful web video on your hands.
More.. The Money making of a Niche ::Free Data Entry Work :: Imtiaztips Weblog
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Why Niche Marketing is the Way to Go in Succeeding Online
1. You can create an informational product. An informational product can be articles, reports, columns, audio or video, or other things. These can be sold as stand alone products or used for advertisement or promotional causes.
2. You can build a content rich web site that will be so interesting it will draw potential customers again and again.
3. You can publish newsletters and ezines that are so full of pertinent information that people will happily pay for subscriptions to them.
All of the above listed ways can be used to create a niche marketing website that has the capacity to make money.
There are two things that all of these methods have in common.
1. The topic must be one that helps people solve a problem, makes them healthier or happier, or provides them with information that they want or need in some way.
2. The content of the website, no matter the topic, must be relevant, timely and interesting to the people who are reading it and the website must be easily navigated.
A to Z Download: http://freedownloada2z.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
How to Make a Website More Appealing to International Users.
1. Availability of basic features: First, the design of a web site should be compatible to any browser. It should be able to pass HTML and CSS validation tests. Second, web sites should be able to cater to disabled users. This won't be a problem as long as designers adhere to web standards. Third, the process of navigating a web site should be simple enough for all users. No user likes to encounter a new site, and then he or she has to figure out how to navigate around it. Fourth, status bars should be available. It shows the destination of links as the cursor is being moved. The status of the current page is also displayed as it loads.
2. Appearance of the pages: There are four elements that make up the appearance of a web site. They are the fonts, color, graphics, and writing.
Fonts are not just a matter of personal preference of the user and the designer. The primary importance of font choice is that it affects how fast the users can read the information being presented. Arial fonts are usually recommended over the Times New Roman and the Verdana. When applying color, it is important that there is enough contrast between background and foreground in order for the content to be readable. To achieve maximum contrast, black text against a white background should be used. Link colors should be established at standard settings. When it comes to graphics, bear in mind that some pages get too overloaded because of the use of too much images. As much as possible, use graphics only to support the content being presented to users. A lot of people actually have the tendency to shut off the images when browsing for information. Web designers should remember the distinction between writing for the web and writing for print. Web content should be short and straight to the point.
3. Site performance: There are three factors that determine the overall performance of a web site. These are speed, tables, and connections. Since everyone is hankering for more bandwidth, the best that designers can do is to avoid the usage of design that will take up too much bandwidth, because not every user has access to fast Internet connections. To avoid making the site appear like it takes forever to download, avoid loading putting a whole page inside a table. Instead, divide the page into several tables. Web designers should not cloud a page with too much items for the simple reason that each item requires a separate browser for the whole page to be downloaded.
4. The occurrence of bugs: Of course, no one wants to have bugs in his system. To avoid this, body text should be set up with relative font sizes. One has to consider that there are users out there who have poor eyesight, and they would like to adjust the font sizes through their individual settings in order to read the text more clearly. The relative value recommended for this would be:
In case of URLs, it should be simple and short, containing no punctuation or spaces. Users should be able to copy a URL and paste it into an email message without it being wrapped in multiple lines. To avoid dead links, redirects should be established, in order to avoid the breaking of bookmarks and links.
Web designers should make sure that navigation features will be present at all times, whatever the size of the window the user is using. Browser windows should be maximized when applying design, because not every user will be surfing the Internet in a maximized window.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Make Traffic, Problems The Thing of The Past, Discover The Power of PDF.
One of the best things about the Internet is "content". No matter what you want to know, or learn, you can learn it from the internet. The way you get information on the web is through content, words information. Without content you have nothing but a blank page. Believe it or not life is all about content. The human mind always thirst for new content of some sort, it's the reason why we gossip, the reason we watch TV, listen to the radio, and the reason we surf on the Internet, read the newspaper, talk on the phone ect...
With that being said I will give you the secrets of getting huge amounts of traffic free. So sit back take notes and, get ready for some awesome tips.
The Great PDF File.
I am a huge fan of PDF files. You know those little short e-books that have great content, that teaches you how to do things? E-books are great for bringing in tons of free targeted traffic. The very people who download a PDF file, do so because of the content. They become the ultimate targeted audience.
For instance, if I write a short E-book on how to brew beer at home. In my book I write about the basics, the ABC's to brewing, I also include tasty, and easy to brew recipes in the PDF file. The person who downloads a copy of my book is in the market to buy products relating to beer brewing.
Now because I am a business owner I insert links to my web site in my beer brewing E-book. On the Web site I sell beer brewing supplies, and ingredients. My goal is to give out valued information, that is downloaded to a prospect's computer, where the person uses the book as a reference, they love the content, they need supplies, and now have a link to my site. This gives my web site a huge amount of targeted traffic automatically.
The PDF file can be a great asset for any web site, and any on-line business. The other great thing about PDF is you never know where it will end up. People may post it in their blogs, on their web site, they may email it to friends who knows where it will posted, but any way you look at it, it's good news for the Internet business owner.
It isn't all that difficult to write a PDF file/ E-book. You can download the latest version of Adobe. Using Adobe, you can compose a PDF file. The PDF file can be as short as 1 page, or it can be hundreds of pages. Just remember to give informative information that your reader will value, include a title page. Obviously you want to include links back to your site. Do yourself a favor, and give consent for your readers to redistribute your E-book, ask that the E- book be in tact and unedited. From there you can upload it to your server, and begin promoting your PDF file. You can even design a fancy cover should you choose to, but it is not required.
The simplest way that I have found to promote a new PDF file is to join forums that complement the E-book. Add a SIG file to be seen at the end of all your post, in that SIG file place a direct link to your E-book include a description of the book. I like to write in "to download this report right click on the link, and select save as." Now the person who reads the E-book has the PDF saved on their computer.
In the forum all you have to do is respond to a post, or 2, or even start up a new post with a few comments, try to provide great insight, and people will download you PDF file guaranteed.( Note: do not spam the forum, or your post will most likely be deleted by the moderator. A forum should not be used as a method as advertising.) Remember, people are always looking for new content, curiosity killed the cat. If you write it, and it looks good, it will be downloaded, and read.
Another easy way to promote an E-book is through e-mail. Send out a funny message, or information that is related to your E-book. Along with the email attach a link to your PDF file in your E-mail SIG file. Use a snappy title something that promotes interest towards people downloading your PDF file. (make sure that the link works okay, then send out your email to your friends. Ask them to help you out by sending out the email to everyone they know. Send out a good entertaining, or informative e-mail, and that thing could go around the world a few times exposing your PDF file for free, to countless numbers of people. I guarantee that someone will download it. The worse case scenario, if no one downloads your PDF file, It is not a big deal it didn't cost you anything to send out those e-mails!
Another way to promote your PDF file, is write a short article about a topic that compliments your E-book. Many directories include a resource box. I recommend adding a link to your PDF file in that box. Hundreds of people read articles. Remember if these people read your article for the content, chances are they are going to want, to read your E- book for even more advice, and information.
You have just read about a few great ways of getting tons of free targeted traffic. The traffic is yours if you are willing to work for it. The great thing about the Internet is once your work gets published, you will never have to do the work again, and the traffic will keep on flowing to your site over, and over again! If you write it they will read it, that's just the wonder of the Internet.
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5 ultimate graphic design mistakes - Things that graphic designers should avoid at all costs.
With many young designers coming from a pre-dominantly web design background the transfer over from web design to traditional design for print can bring with it a multitude of design sins. Images supplied at 72dpi and crunched down to load fast on a website are going to reproduce very badly in print you can get away with small thumbnails but blowing things up to any appreciable size is going to be pushing your luck. There are a number of online sites offering free or very cheap quality hi resolution images which are a good source for suitable imagery.
2. Forgetting about or not allowing enough bleed.
A very common error is to send to print a document or flattened image that has no bleed at all. Generally speaking you should allow at least 3mm around every cut off edge. Failing to do so will give the printers no leeway and will either crop off the side of the page or give you a white border. It is always a good idea when supplying image files to save layered psd files then if things need extending or cropping you can do this on the background layer and hopefully cut down your work
3. Using obscure fonts and not embedding or outlining them for output.
We've all been guilty of this at some point and things are generally fine if you are going to be the only person accessing your artwork or documents. However if someone else needs to amend the files or use your vector logo on one of there publications. Unless you package up the used fonts, they are not going to be able to open the files correctly and some software programs may replace any unknown fonts with a default. This is a particular problem when you need to dig out stuff that was created several years previously and you no longer have your old fonts installed.
4. Supplying print ready artwork using spot colours or rgb
There are valid reasons for using spot colours in artwork, logos that need to reference particular pantone colours for example. In general design work however most print is sent through on 4 colour presses CMYK with occasional 5th colour for luminoius or metallic colour or for spot UV varnish. It is very common for lazy designers to just place rgb images into files and expect the vibrant colours seen on screen to reproduce in print.
5. Allowing design illiterate clients to lead you round the houses
The customer is always right, goes the old adage. However it is often said with gritted teeth and a sense of patience that recognizes that these morons will at some stage be handing over a fat cheque for your troubles. It is often a good idea when first submitting visuals to throw in a couple of stinkers to hopefully get them to appreciate the design you would like them to accept. There is the very real danger of course of them loving the piece of absolute arsewipe that you knocked up in five minutes to make them think you've been earning your money.
Visit also for More info.: http://freedownloada2z.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Templates for E-Commerce Web Hosting
Creating a professional website can be challenging. E-commerce web design is really a complex animal. To cut development time, many web hosting companies start offering web hosting templates or hosting with templates.
Whether you're looking for a simple web site or a functional e-commerce website, the chances are that you may be able to find a few web templates from your hosting company. A simple web template may cost under $20 dollars, but a well-designed professional e-commerce website will cost a few hundreds or more if not thousands. The cost of web templates is still cheap comparing to custom-made e-commerce websites when Web designers charge anywhere from $20 to $100 per hour. If you want to check out some templates, go to zifreelancer templates
Besides the requirements of standard web hosting plans, Web hosting templates for e-commerce operations needs a shopping cart that supports online catalog and online payment processing (pick Pay Pal). Web templates for e-commerce often include common pages and navigations for online shopping - searching or browsing products, adding items to shopping carts and making payment. The web templates for e-commerce do not include or connect to any specific shopping cart. It's up to the webmasters to add shopping cart to the site.
The alternative e-commerce hosting to web templates is e-commerce turnkey solution. EBay Stores, Yahoo! and GoDaddy.com are the most popular turn-key e-commerce solutions for small businesses that want to setup online stores easily. Different hosting plans may have different free structures. The cost of each hosting plan often varies on transaction volume.
When comparing functionality, there're many questions to ask:
1) whether a shopping cart accepts online check or debit card.
2) Whether there's a limit on the number of products and categories that you can setup;
3) whether it automatically sends out an email notification once an order is placed at your web-site.
When looking at the cost of commerce operation, you'll need to ask questions about
1) what's the basic monthly fee for transactions;
2) is there's a setup fee for a new online store;
3) how about handling taxes?;
4) how much it charges for each transaction.
Talk with your hosting service on e-commerce issues and discuss the best plan to go with.
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