Thursday, March 4, 2010

Helpful Tips for Corporate Blogging.

Blogs are massive resources of information from both inside and outside companies. Businessmen survive theworld of blogging because they know how and where to dig information while protecting their own secrets.Although blogging can be risky world for businesses,there are several helpful tips that can help bring success to corporate blogging.

The Important of Training:

It is important to make sure the members of the communications team. In the past, this team was composed of a small group. However, with the advent ofblogging, everyone who blogs at the company isspreading a specific message about the company. Peoplewho handle the blogging for the company must betrained to avoid any spill of unnecessary information.

If by accident, important information regarding thecompany has been disclosed, this can put the companyunder the watchful eyes of the regulators. More so,inappropriate leaks can provide competitors withleverage and may lead to embarrassing revelationsabout the inner workings of the company and its staff.
Although the usual action to be taken is to restrictemployees from blogging, this can be a shortsighteddecision. Bloggers from within the company can easilyrelate and make contact with potential clients andeven enhance the brand of the company.

The Fake Blogs:

Several, if not all, companies are eager to establishone-on-one links with their consumers, though they areoften hesitant to venture in the world of blogging. Asa result, they set up fake blogs. Fake blogs are thosethat are created by marketing departments of thecompany in order to promote a product, brand orservice using a fake name or character.

These kinds of blogs are risky since several bloggerswho are passionate about what they do view them as aninsult to the blogging community and no one can denythe fact that these blogs are very visible to thepublic.
Although there are no rules prohibiting a company frommaking pseudo-blogs, the subject of creating one isalways welcome. Always keep in mind that you canchoose to create fake blogs but remember all the risksinvolved.

Blog Tracking:

Tracking blogs is one of the easiest and mostimportant tips to remember. Firstly, the company canlook around online and search for the most influentialblogger who writes about their products or services.Remember to read the blogger’s updates everyday andperform an automated tracking of discussions.

Tracking blogs is important because even thosepostings from small-time bloggers can be selected bysearch engines, strengthened by a well-known bloggerand ultimately hit the mainstream.

The Public Relations:

Blogs have the ability to break down barriers betweenthe company and its customers. It is important forbusinesses to take that into consideration and adjust.There are several companies that start blog in orderto attain customer loyalty and address the customers’concerns and comments. Relating to the customers is avital factor in the survival of a business. Knowingwhat the customers think about the products orservices can help enhance the company’s services.

The Company’s Secrets:

Take into consideration one secret or secrets that youhave kept at your company. Be it a list of projectsfor the following year or information about scandalousactivities, there are several things that you mustlearn no to leak to your competitors.

In blogging, there is a certainty that you mustrethink about something that you are trying to avoid,for that fact that other companies are increasinglysharing information to win new partners and generatenew ideas. Although this does not mean that they arenot keeping any secrets from you or that you must notkeep any from them, it is important to reevaluate whether you can gain more out of sharing details thankeep them to yourself.


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